If you need to hire an SEO company in Vancouver the best way to go about it once you have some shortlisted is to ask each agency to provide a mini website audit, a sample of on page SEO and a sample of off page SEO. This will give you a good idea of the capabilities of the agency and their understanding of SEO. Quite often the company that gets hired is the one that dresses the best, has the nicest office and has the best pitch. Don’t be fooled by outer appearances and brand power. You want to hire an agency that can deliver results, not the one who has the most “friends.”

Ask all Competing SEO Companies to Provide You With a Mini Website Audit

Any good SEO company  should be able to look at your website and let you know of any areas that need improvement. They should be able to explain each area, provide an actionable solution, provide examples of how they have implemented similar solutions and demonstrate direct results. Common areas SEO Specialists look at include:

  • visitor behaviour (if they have access to Analytics)
  • usability / user experience / UX errors
  • website / search engine compatibility
  • competitor benchmarking
  • web 2.0 integration
  • affiliate integration
  • conversion errors
  • email integration
  • social integration
  • local integration
  • local integration
  • website errors
  • content errors
  • URL structure
  • friendly URLs
  • design errors
  • link analysis
  • code errors
  • images

Ask all Competing SEO Companies to Provide an Optimized Page With Your Choice of Page and Keyword

Asking all competing companies to provide an optimized page with your choice of keyword will show you how closely the agency pays attention to your content, if they indicate any potential ranking issues, if they indicate more or less content is needed in certain areas, if they provide a clear primary keyword, if they provide supporting keywords that make sense, if they point out any technical issues that may be interfering with rankings and many other things. You will be able to see quickly which agency has the talent and which fall short.

Ask All Competing SEO Companies to Provide You with a Few Samples of Sites They Would Use to Point Links to Your Site

Link building has high value with search engines and a few good links can be the deciding factor when they choose how to rank you, for what and on what page. By asking all competing agencies to provide you with a few link suggestions (and explain why) you can get a feel for the quality, strategy and experience an agency has.

Contact Us for More Information if You Need to Hire an SEO Company in Vancouver – We’ll Send you a Mini Audit and Work Samples

With so many SEO companies in Vancouver it is really hard to find the right one. We hope that the above will help you make an informed decision. Before you hire an SEO company in Vancouver that has the nicest cars, best suits and swankiest office, think to ask for work samples first 😀 That being said, you must be looking for an agency if you are on this page. Send us your page and keyword, along with your budget and start time. We will create a proposal and submit it to you with a mini audit and sample on page and off page SEO samples within one week. You will receive a free 15 minute consultation to review the audit and work samples with us. Call or text us at 604-779-848, email us or chat with us online right now. We hope to be working with you really soon!

About the Author

SEO Candyland

    • Hi Susanne,

      We are glad that you found this post helpful. It is always best to do an audit for a potential client, even if it is small so that they can see how they will immediately benefit from hiring you. Have a great day! 😀

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